Monday, December 6, 2010

God and a bubble bath

We as women tend to go, go, go without taking a minute to stop and savor things, especially around Christmas time. We are so consumed with the shopping, wrapping, decorating, and baking, all the while, taking care of our homes and working outside the home. I honestly don't know how working mothers do it. I have enough to do with being a stay-at-home mom that I don't think I'd have the energy to do both.

Which brings to the next part of my Women Living Well December Challenge. It's time for us women to take a moment for ourselves and just relax. Get away from the stresses that are consuming and overwhelming you, and just take a timeout for yourself.

Later tonight, I will be taking a nice long bubble bath, complete with some candles and a cold drink by my side. I will read about the birth of Jesus in Matthew 1,2 and Luke 1,2 so I can remember why we celebrate Christmas, and I encourage any of my friends to do the same.

1Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.


Stephanie said...

Enjoy your bubble bath and especially your time in God's Word :) May He bless it greatly!