Monday, December 6, 2010

Ahhh..relaxation, finally.

After getting Shayna to bed at 8, I attempted to get in the tub for over an hour afterwards. I fought with a tripped breaker, got my ear talked off by my aunt (who is more like my mother), and then had my husband calling to tell me that he quite possibly would be off work early on New Year's Eve. This is huge deal because we have been together for 5 years on that night, and we have never gone out because he always had to work.

Now, we will not be going out to drink or party, but we will be spending it with our church congregation and socializing. I am so excited to finally have a place to go that doesn't consist of people who think you have get drunk to have a good time. We will ring in the new year, sober with good friends, and God.

This whole conversation took place as I stood in my bathroom, waiting to get in the tub, and looking at this:

Those candles were smelling so good and just waiting to be put around my tub, which I finally was able to achieve and spent 1/2 hour here:

Ahh..sweet sweet bliss and relaxation. Nothing but a hot candlelit bath with no interruptions and time to be alone with my thoughts and prayers. I really need to do this more often. It's so relaxing and just takes away some stress that I may be under at the moment.

To complete this part of the Peace on Earth December Challenge I was to read this first:

And this as well. Part of the challenge was to read Matthew 1&2 and Luke 1&2, as it talks about the birth of Jesus.

Which completes this part of my challenge, and once again, I thank Courtney at WomenLivingWell for making this December challenge. I feel very refreshed, and my stress level has been lowered a bit. I don't do this for myself enough just to do it. I normally only take a bath when I'm achy or sick, but I will definitely being doing it more often, maybe even a couple more times this week.


SoVeryDomestic said...

Way to go!! I'm going to have a pamper-filled shower and snuggle up with candles and my Bible tomorrow night! You've inspired me to do it sooner than later. :) What a great challenge!